October 18, 2024
company name search

Starting a new business, it’s easy to get lost in the dream of success. 

However, little do these dreamers know that it’s all in the name? The name of the company is its foundation. It’s the primary point by which the customers identify the business. Choosing the wrong name can have immense PR implications and therefore, company name search is something that shouldn’t be ignored. Through this article, we shed a light on the answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the importance of company name search?

  2. How to search a good name for a company?

What is the importance of company name search?

When you’re planning to start a company, there is one thing that you should know about naming it:

  1. It has to be unique: A non-unique name can’t get the certificate of incorporation. The MCA name check department is very vigilant regarding this matter and if you try to use a common, and popular name in hopes of getting quick success when you do start business, you’ll be found. Thus, naming is unique. 
  2. The name should be inoffensive: Do you know “AIB” or All India Bhak****? Well, of course you do. This entertainment conglomerate with a curse word for a name has been quite successful as of late. However, there also have been many criticisms against it. The business and ethics of the company aside, the name doesn’t inspire fun and freedom that AIB definitely hoped for. Thus, the name of the company you choose should be friendly to the people. 

  3. The name shouldn’t be deceptively similar: When you’re choosing a name of the company, DO NOT think of popular company names and add your own version to it. Although it might fool people into buying your product (if they are painfully unaware), it’s quite unethical. Thus, down the line, you can face injunction from the company whose name you modified for your own gain.

Other than the above three, following are the other reasons that you should conduct a brand names search:

Market Research: Company name search is not always for choosing the right name for your own company. In fact, you might already have a company when you are searching for it. But why? It’s because company name search gives you peek into the legal condition of a business. The MCA company name search is a module that allows you to input the name and get out its information without any issue. You can use that name search module to check company details of your competition.

How to search a good name for a company?

Firstly, a name is an idea, and that Idea comes from within. However, there are times that many come up with the same idea for a name and in that case, company name availability search becomes important. Here is how you do it. 

  1. You go to the MCA website. 

  2. Above in the navigation pane, click on MCA services. That will give you an extensive menu. 

  3. Under the company Services, click on the first option that reads “Check Company Name”

  4. Enter the name of the company in the window you’re now in. 

  5. Enter the name of the activity to filter the search even more. 

  6. Click on Search.

  7. See the results of that search. 


Company name search is an important step when it comes to deciding the name of the company. But it’s also a way to conduct some low level market research. So, begin your start up journey the way that you intended, with the right name and, with the right intention. 

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